Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quarter Scale Miss Ivys

This is Miss Ivys from Bruce and Judy Steinke (BJMinis). Fell in love with it the first time I saw it. Wonderful kit to put together. The shingles, wallpaper, and exterior paper are all laser cut---no need to size. Kit puts together within 1-2 days easy. I followed the theme of Miss Ivy giving piano lessons to the neighborhood kids around turn of the century. I imagined Miss Ivy as young, pretty, and eligible, but picky and star-crossed, similar to Edith Wharton's protagonist in the House of Mirth. Come take a tour of Miss Ivy's.

Miss Ivy likes to sit on her porch and watch the neighborhood children play after dinner.

Miss Ivy loves flowers. There is a book of butterflies and wildlife opened on the table.
Right side of house.
Left side of house
Miss Ivy and the boy at the piano are from Suzane Herget. Beautiful dolls. Miss Ivy has bloomers and black high heels (didn't have chance to take pics).
It's 3:00 pm and the little boy's mind is elsewhere. A plate of cookies and tea is waiting when the lesson is finished, but he's struggling to finish the hour.
The doily on the piano and console is also from Suzane Herget and just wonderful.

This is Miss Ivy's bedroom. A picture of her lost love is on the nightstand.
On the 3rd floor Miss Ivy goes to quilt, sew, knit, and petit point.

Thanks for looking!


  1. Very nice work! I saw this kit while at the NAME convention in Seattle. I may have to get it after viewing your finished pictures!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful job! Absolutely love the blue brick...would never have thought of using that color myself, but will have to keep it in mind for future projects! :) Gerry

  3. How beautiful! You did a wonderful job on this house. It's enchanting! (Thank you for jump-starting me to work on my projects.)
